From the FPPC Board:
Since November of 1979 the phosphate industry has come together as a group to educate policy leaders and promote the interests of this industry. The phosphate we mine and the fertilizer we produce is vital to our local and state economy and our nation’s agriculture. As the global population grows, ensuring an adequate food supply is a challenge that the Florida phosphate industry is meeting head-on.
We are quite literally helping to feed the world.

We have made great strides. However; in the current political environment it is more critical now than ever for the industry to maintain a strong presence in the political arena. Our industry is a highly technical one with many important issues that need to be understood by policymakers.
The Florida Phosphate Political Committee is a critical component of ensuring our voice is heard.
We, the Board of the Florida Phosphate Political Committee, would like to express our appreciation of your role in the industry, and your support for this united industry effort.
If you are interested in becoming an Associate Member Company, please email FPCC
Mulberry, FL 33860